On Fri, 28 Mar 1997, m* wrote:

> heya,
> i was digging about looking for support for the Intel 8244xFx PCI
> chipset that comes on Pentium Pro boards and found zip. this 
> includes the .29 kernel source.
> are the Pentium Pro 200 chipsets supported yet? 
> and what about the Universal Serial Bus?
> can we expect support for that any time soon?

Someone on the kernel mailing list mentioned that they had started work
usb support but I haven't heard anything more on it.

I think that the kernel mailing lists are archived so it should be easy
enough to find.


in real life: Joseph Skinner         |There's no such thing as a wizard
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |who minds his own business
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | - Berengis the Black
http:  www.earthlight.co.nz/users/joe|   Court Mage to the Earls Caeline

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