David Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> I upgrade a lot of packages, don't know exactly which ones though,  and now
> shutdown -h now and umount will not unmount /usr(aka /dev/hdb3). It gives me
> same error:
>         umount: /dev/hdb3: device is busy 

Try doing `fuser -m /usr', then you'll find out what process it is
that's still using /usr (you probably want to put it into your
/etc/init.d/halt script at an approprate point, then exit from the
script to get more information). /etc/init.d/halt should send SIGTERM
then SIGKILL to all processes before umounting filesystems, so it is
strange that there is still a process that's alive.

Hope that helps you work it out,


| Graeme A Stewart, pgp public key  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
|  Key fingerprint =  AF C7 BF A4 52 D5 3C 3B  17 A5 62 43 DA 15 E8 97  |
|   "Keep a good head, and always carry a lightbulb."   Dylan           |

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