>>>>> "Gertjan" == Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Gertjan> "Karl M. Hegbloom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >> Open up your info reader;

    Gertjan>   Don't get me started on info!

 Why not?  Elucidate.   (I imagine it will have to do with 'C-n and
C-p rather than arrow keys' type of things...  If you use Emacs,
that's fixed, and arrow keys work fine.)

    >> and read the 'readline' manual, which you've obviously not
    >> heard of yet...

    Gertjan>   ?  I see no reason in my post for you to make such an
    Gertjan> assumption.

 I assumed that since you did not know how to configure BASH so that
the up arrow key rolled back through command history, that you'd not
read the readline or BASH manuals, where that is explained in
detail. And that since you'd not read them, you must not have known of
their existance yet; or perhaps have just not gotten to read them ---
there is quite a lot of documantation to read, after all, and it takes
a certain amount of time to do it.  You can't be expected to read a
manual you don't know exists, (haven't discovered) or to read them all
in the first day you have Linux running.

    >> And here's a copy of the ~/.inputrc I have been using; I think
    >> I obtained it under similar circumstances.  :-)

    Gertjan>   Why did you send it?  It does not do what I wanted.

 But it can serve as a basis for your own customizations.  My
intention was not to give you a fish, but to point you toward the

Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.29t
You tell me and we'll both know.

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