>Hubert FAUQUE wrote:
>> I tried to make a boot floppy by copying the kernel on the floppy:
>> cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage /dev/fd0
>> it works except that when I boot from the floppy my Adaptec 1542
>> isn't recognized at boot; when I boot with the same kernel from the
>> hard disk the 1542 is recognized without problems;
>> I am sure it's the same kernel on the floppy and the hard disk
>> and the Adaptec support is built-in the kernel and it's not a module.
>> does somebody as an idea of what's happening?
>Are you sure you aren't passing parameters to the kernel when you
>boot with LILO? Check the file /etc/lilo.conf for lines of the form
>"APPEND=<options list>".
>Jens B. Jorgensen
Oh! I had forgotten that!  thanks!!
I had spent two hours trying different things! 

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