Joseph Skinner wrote:

> I just had a look through the list of updated packages and have found
> after looking at that the new packages are not there.

> The strange thing is that for the cases that I looked at the packages that
> they replaced are not there either.
> Is there soemthing wrong with at the moment.

I assume you're talking about the unstable tree.
I saw a similar thing last week. I guessed that I was looking at it
_its_ mirror/update cycle. Later in the day (or the next day) it was OK
I don't understand why the replaced files were missing too. The mirror
I run (v2.8) doesn't delete the old files until after the new ones

However, the Packages file is still _way_ out of date, so I still can't
any of the recent updates. I sent mail about this on Friday but it's
in that state. Here's what I wrote:

The Packages file on has the date 
    214917 Mar 22 17:10 Packages.gz
but there have been many recent updates since then
that aren't in the Packages file, such as 
    binary-i386/devel/tcl76-dev_7.6p2-2.deb 323310
    binary-i386/devel/tk42-dev_4.2p2-2.deb 524238
and lots more (modutils, etc).


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