On Mar 31, Gertjan Klein wrote
>  > If you type, say, "g" then M-p repeatedly you get
>  > all command lines that begin with "g".  I use this *all* the time, as
>  > an alternative to "!g" because it lets me see if I got the right
>  > command line before I hit Enter.
>   Still, none of this even begins to compare with the ease of use of
> (horror! shock!) the DOS command interpreter 4DOS!  Why use separate
> keys like M-p for this, when you've got the arrow keys?  The principle
> is this: if you have an empty commandline and you type the up arrow, you
> get the previous command.  If you've already typed something, you get
> whatever previous command starts with that.  This combines the two
> functions that bash uses (and needs two keys for) into one.  I wish I
> could convince bash to work like this!

Do you have bash 2.0? it supports this kind of searches...
"Use bash --version" or "dpkg -s bash" to find out.
bash 2.0 is still in the frozen directory.

And if you dont want to read the long readline manual, put this to your
.inputrc and relogin.

#only useful when editing .inputrc
"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file

#these two make 4dos-line history-searches possible.
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward

#no more beebs on the console
set bell-style visible

#make del work

# home, end

      Riku Voipio                     e-mail:                    ///\\\
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     50120 Mikkeli            finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for pgp     /////\\\\\

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