Paul writes: 
> This is getting pretty boring, with all the silly ranting and
> raving.

Looks like discussion to me.  Use your killfile.

> For Pete's sake, the Debian guys didn't create PPP in the first place!
> Take it to those that did, if you're really that stuck!

By that standard, we should discuss only dselect and dpkg.  Isn't
configuration and installation of software created by others what a
distribution is all about?

> It's really not so damn difficult to be honest, but the first time or two
> it might seem daunting.

Why not try to make it less daunting?  Is it supposed to be some sort of a
rite of passage?

> I mean c'mon, what do you think the rest of us are using to get to the
> net?

Judging from what I see on the linux newsgroups, many are using Windows95.
Microsoft evidently makes it easy.  Why can't Debian?
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Do with it what you will.
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Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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