Igor Grubman wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Mar 1997, Ralph Winslow wrote:
> > Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > >
> > > Harmon Sequoya Nine wrote:
> > > > <snip>
> > > > first is with the "mtools" (do a "man mtools" to get more info), 
> > > > although
> > > > this is usually only with a floppy.
> > > >
> > > > The second way is to mount the win95 partition using:
> > > > mount -t vfat /dev/??? /mountDir
> > > >
> > > > This should work like a charm.  Let me know if it doesn't ...
> > > >
> > > > -- Harmon
> > >
> > > Do you realise that FAT32 is different from FAT16?
> > > Only OEM WIN95 supports FAT32!
> >
> > Is this why I have to put up with those whatev~1.foo names?  Someone
> > posted their reluctance to deal with other than .txt files to or from
> > the WinDoze slice.  I've had success with moving .exe .doc .etc files
> > to and from - no problem (except for the truncated file names).
> no, if you can mount and use the win95 filesystem, and the only problem is
> truncated filenames, then you have vfat (which is still FAT16), and you
> can solve the problem by adding "-t vfat" to the mount command as noted
> above.

vfat is not a FAT32.  With FAT32, the cluster size is 4KB EVEN the
partition is bigger
than 512MB.  FAT32 is not compatible with VFAT.  You need to apply the
patch from http://www-plateau.cs.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html,
compile the kernel.

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