On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Patrick Ryan wrote:
> :0
> * ^From .*debian-user*
> debian-user-l-inbox
> :0
> * ^To: .*debian-user*
> debian-user-l-inbox
> :0
> * ^Cc: .*debian-user*
> debian-user-l-inbox

This should be the same as:
* ^From .*debian-user*
* ^To: .*debian-user*
* ^Cc: .*debian-user*

Or you could just use the built in macros ^TO and ^FROM:

* ^TO.*debian-user
* ^FROM.*debian-user

Since ^TO will match all the addressing mechanisms procmail can check,
To:, Apparently-To:, Cc:, and any others it knows about. In fact, the
^FROM should be rather extraneous (and anyway, the debian list server
doesn't rewrite the headers the way I like them, so it doesn't do
redirects right).

Elie Rosenblum ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     System Administrator, Erol's Internet
                "When Cthulhu calls, he calls _collect_."

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