Sorry to carry the ppp thing on, but I just can't get it to work with pon.
I currently dial in with minicom and evoke pppd manually.  Does anyone
mind if I post the output from both to see what I'm not doing right?  I'll
send private if anyone volunteers to have a look.

With pon, it dials, connects, sends my user id, my password, says its
setting up ppp0-->ttyS1 then a buch of ack and recv, but no joy on an ip
adress.  noipdefault is in my /etc/ppp/options.  I can see my request to
ack, but no reply on what my adress is.

My ISP uses BSDI, not sure of the term servers.  

Could someone help this "ppp inept" person get his pon working.  Save the
attitude for someone else though, 'cause I don't think I've ever claimed
to be more than I am, and haven't approached this casually.  I've read my
docs, my howtos....and I'm just stumped.  I'm sure it is something silly
but I can't find it on my own, thats what the list is for, isn't it?

Thanks to the fixes for the GMT thing that went by in the last couple
of days, I had the same prob.  removed the "-U" from /etc/init.d/boot in
the appropriate line and bingo.

Sorry to ramble on

PS  I'm getting error messages from the list too, thought it was me, glad
to find out it isn't. whew...  and I _did_ see the notice...I feel for ya
Bruce....keep the faith..

Rich M

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