Cool off, man. What they seem to be talking about IS a Debian issue.
Although ppp support IS compiled into the kernel, the pppd is separate,
and the method by which you establish a connection, be it through pon, or
a custom script like I use, because as far as I know pon will not redial
through busy signals, IS a function of your distribution. When you have to
run a script that invokes chat, or does whatever to make a ppp connection,
and you're trying to figure out what options to use for pppd, I don't
think that the proper response is that it is a kernel only issue so stop
bitching about it here. Besides, half of this thread seems to be about the
fact that Debian in general is not intutive to set up, whether it is your
ppp connect script or whatever, and I agree, there does need to be some
progress in this area. I think that this is single largest drawback to the
Debian distribution in my opinion. Regardless, screaming at people for
discussion ppp configuration in the Debian user list is definately not the
answer, especially since everything to do with setting up ppp is NOT a
kernel issue.

                                                Shawn Asmussen

On Sun, 2 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >thats intuitive....
> Why can't you guys give it up!  ITs not a Debian thing dude!  Its
> compiled into the kernel itself (ppp support).  It is NOT a Debian
> issue!  I do agree that someone (how about you?) could make it
> better by writing something, from your perspective that might 
> DISTRIBUTION!  If you want to see more of it, monitor the FreeBSD
> questions forum sometime!  FreeBSD supports two (different) ways
> of invoking PPP to establish a net link.   If you want to do some 
> serious whinning about it, try FreeBSD!  Now, quit the bitchin' and
> get busy putting your ideas down so it will benefit everyone else.
> Thats the idea here.  You guys been bantering this back and forth
> for over a week now.  All the whinin' and cryin' won't make a damn
> bit of difference.  So, knock it off, and put your energy to good use.
> Or, go somewhere else and bitch.

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