On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Steve Hsieh wrote:
> > Has anyone else had problems using a working .fvwmrc file from a Sun
> > system on Debian?  Since fvwm on both systems is the same, I wouldn't
> > expect such difficulties, but it seems that some things which work on fvwm
> > for SunOS/Solaris cause a seg fault on Debian fvwm.  Maybe the true
> > culprit lies with a utility program somewhere and not fvwm itself?
> > On debian linux this results in the message
> >     "NONE:0: m4: ERROR: EOF in string"
> > and then a fvwm segmentation fault.
> You might look through the Info file for the "m4" utility.
> It states that the GNU m4 is different fom the Unix Sys V.

This is most likely the cause.

Steve, can you please mail me the .fvwmrc which is failing for you.
I'll take a look to make sure that this is the case.

Debian fvwm/fvwm2 maintainer

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