On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, smorrill wrote:

> I have a base debian system installed on my 586 133 mhz.  I got the
> "Cheap Bytes" cd and am trying to install packages, specifically the
> Xwindows packages.  These are located in a directory called "rex-fixe"
> on the cd.  I must be missing something here, but I cannot get dselect
> to recognize that directory.  I've tried letting the program scan the
> various directories on the cd, tried over & over to do it manually to no
> avail.
> I've read the faq, etc. on dselect.  I'm new to linux, so (once again..)
> I'm sure this is user error.
> Any suggestions out there? 
> TIA!!

You need to mount the CD as filesystem type iso9660 so the filenames will
be complete.

Paul Wade - Greenbush Technologies Corporation
Linux CD's sent worldwide

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