I'm not aware of a unhold command but that's the idea.  But I used hold more
than once since it didn't put everything on hold for some reason.  So the
status has 2 layers of hold and I can't revert to the previous state since
it's the same for the most part.  

I can always go file by file and mark them for install but I want to know if
there's a command to clear everything so I can update the lists and go from
there WITHOUT clearing the info on installed pkgs.


I just installed base and want to do an ftp install.  I go get the rex pkgs
list and update.  I realise that I wanted bo instead so I go back around and
change to bo.  The rex status is still in place marked for install.  How do I
clear the pkg list to show only what I want?

This isn't a very good example.  It's just off the top of my head.

When I try to install after deleting a directory from the ftp list that was
updated it will still try to get the files from the dir I removed from the
ftp list.

I hope that makes sense to you.  It's almost 2am here and I'm getting punchy.

On 11-Apr-97 Christian Hudon wrote:
>On Apr 11, Rick wrote
>> I sent this a few days ago but got no answer.
>> Does anybody know how to clear dselect status?  I used hold to select only
>> the bo pkgs I wanted to install thinking I could reset the suggested
>> But it don't work.  How do I reset the pkgs to the suggested state?  I
>> renaming the status files but dselect just crashed.
>Huh? Do you mean 'Unhold' doesn't work? It certainly works for me.
>If you really want to do it using dpkg, have a look at '--set-selections'
>Safer than playing with the status file directly.
>  Christian
Have a good one.

- ----------------------------------
Rick Jones              E-Mail: Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Date: 12-Apr-97                                                                 
                               Time: 01:45:52
- ----------------------------------

Version: 2.6.2


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