>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > On Apr 14, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote
    >> Will there be an Official Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM image?

    > What do you expect from such an image?

 I remember seeing an announcement from (?) Bruce Perens saying that
there would be an official Debian CD this time.  I'm not planning to
press one; I am just a student, and don't have the time to go out and
sell Linux CD's.  A friend of mine has a CD burner though, and maybe
we'd make one just to learn how.  I want to convince Internet Arena to 
burn the red hat and switch on the Debian.

 I would expect...

 A CD I can install from with only one floppy to boot with. (I guess
there are CD drives you can boot from now too.)  Everything needed to
get a usable Linux workstation up and on the net, with documantation
put right in my face so I don't have to ask where to find it.  And I
don't need a progress meter to keep me mesmerized while it installs;
or christmas presents to cLicK oN.  I want something to read.

 Since the CD can host the documentation, why not fire up Lynx or Info
on a second tty, (on request, via a menu selection) so I can read
while I wait for Diety to fatten my hard drives?  (Info is considered
better since the documents are preformatted, right?)

 Maybe there will be two CD's, one for binaries, and another for
sources.  And ready-made images too... we're amateurs.  Show us how,
we are willing to learn.

Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.29t
You tell me and we'll both know.

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