Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>      I'm new to Debian. I've been waiting for one month to receive the
> 1.2.4 CD from Cheap Bytes (sent March 3rd arrived April 4th) and I'm

I received my 1.2.4 from them in one week or so.  And I am in Brazil.

> trying with it these days... I would not start waiting for another month
> NOW to get a more recent release (and the WEB says they're still selling 
> 1.2.4 CDs). 
>      I tried installing anything just already marked at first entry in
> dselect (just had to de-select perl-base), but I read "overriding" 
> messages during install and afterwards I had complains about configuration
> of some packages, which I type here by hand: 
> ...../base/libc5_5.4.20-1.deb
> ...../dev/perl_5.003.07-6.deb
> ...../editors/ed_0.2-11.deb
> ...../misc/gpm_1.10-2.deb
> libc5-dev
> libdb1-dev
> libg++2.7-dev
> libgdbm1-dev
> texbin
> latex
> psnfss
>      I didn't see any message at install-time saying that the release may
> have such problems, so I was thinking that if anybody had tried it before
> releasing it I should have anything working clean. 

If I understood right, this is known bug on which order the packages are
installed and has being worked.  You can solve this by choosing 'install' again
in dselect.

BTW, put /usr/X11R6/lib in yout /etc/ld.conf and run ldconfig if
you have not done it.  

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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