Mark Phillips wrote:
> For many moons now, I have been using a primative method to establish
> a ppp link, namely: use minicom to login and start ppp at the other
> end, then exit minicom and run pppd manually.
> Though labour intensive, this method worked tolerably well.  The only
> problem was that sometimes pppd believed that it had received a modem
> hangup when in fact the modem was doing just fine.  As a result pppd
> would terminate prematurely.  Though I never managed to get to the bottom
> of this problem, I found a semi-fix: run pppd again and the link would
> be reestablished, or even better, run pppd with the "persist" option.
> Using minicom to establish the connection is very tedious.  Yesterday
> I had a brilliant flash of inspiration:
>               ___  _____
>             .'/,-Y"     "~-.
>             l.Y             ^.
>             /\               _\_      "Why don't I use a chat script?!"
>            i            ___/"   "\
>            |          /"   "\   o !
>            l         ]     o !__./
>             \ _  _    \.___./    "~\
>              X \/ \            ___./
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>              ` Z,--   /               \
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>                   Y   \          /
>                   |    "x______.^
>                   |           \      -Row
>                   j            Y
> So I decided to bite the bullet where angels fear to tread and create a
> chat script.  It worked beautifully with a one large and one small
> exception.  First for the large exception:
> As I already explained, pppd has a nasty habit of thinking the link is
> dead when it isn't really.  With the old setup, the "persist" option
> simply told pppd to renegotiate "handshaking" with the ppp process at the
> other end.  With the new setup, pppd first runs the chat script and of
> course this doesn't work as the modem link is already up, hence it never
> gets to renegotiate the handshaking.
> In short, unless I can solve pppd's delusions about non-existent modem
> hangups, or unless I can find another way around this problem, I'll have
> to go back to using minicom to establish the connection.  Any ideas?
> As for the small exception, poff doesn't seem to always kill my pppd:
> # poff
> No pppd is running
> # ps -aux | grep ppp
> root      5764  0.2  3.2   888   480  a1 S     12:07   0:00 /usr/sbin/pppd 
> conn
> root      5894  0.0  1.9   896   288  p3 S     12:13   0:00 grep ppp

Sounds like you'd be quite happy with diald. It will bring up your
ppp connection on-demand and take it back down either after a specified
idle-time. At any rate, when you say "pppd has the nasty habit of
thinking the link is dead when it isn't" do you mean that pppd 
determines that the link is down and then exits? And the modem 
connection stays up? Why don't you turn on debugging for pppd and
post the log trace here. We can probably fix this problem.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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