
I thought I had everything sorted with FP and Linux <sigh>... yet I now
find that when I customer goes to upload a large web page I am getting this
error in the apache error file.  

access to /var/web/electricity.co.nz/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe failed
for port45-athene.es.co.nz, reason: Premature end of script headers

I have the old library files installed as per the FAQ on RTR and it is
still doing it.

As an aside does anyone know of a reason why I can't put the 
SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/frontpage/libs:/lib:/usr/lib 
line in the <VirtualHost > directive so that CGI scripts only get munged
for that virtual host?

Thanks for any and all help... this is driving me nuts!


----------------- Earthlight Communications Limited ----------------
P.O. Box 5301                   Adam Shand             (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New Zealand       Systems Manager    (voice) +64 3 479 0303
---------------- http://www.earthlight.co.nz/larry/ ----------------

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