Hey, you shouldn't begin with 'I have a PPro ...'. It make me jaleous and 
I don't want to help you ! ( the 486 is great, but still...)

I suppose your CD-rom is IDE, so your block device name should be

I'm not sure because mine is different. 

hda is the master on the first interface, ( C: )
hdb -----  slave ----------------------,  ( D: )

so I suppose the next is hdc
the number is for the partition. As there is only one in a cd-rom, it 
sould be 1.

Oops, I checked the Linux File System Standart, and it says 
/dev/hdc (master cdrom on the second interface)


On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, val.tamarov wrote:

> Hi there !!!
> I installed Linux in my system but i can't run dselect to install all the
> packages.
> Please help me what to write when dselect asks me for the locations and
> some blocks, what I have to type there.  I have Pentium Pro (686) with to
> HD controllers on board. So my 2 HD's are conected to first controller and
> my primary master (c: drive) is for windows and dos, and second HD- primary
> slave (d: drive) is for Linux. My CD-ROM is conected to second conntroller
> as secondary master. If anything else needed please e-mail me.
> Thanks for your time and help
> --
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