Putting the nfs server in runlevels 3 and higher is something of an
standard.  To be more precise, rl 2 is intended to be for network client 
applications and rl 3 and higher for network server apps.  I think it 
would be appropriate for Debian to follow suite.


Sam Ockman wrote:
> Has "Debian" defined any specific meaning to runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5?
> For example RedHat puts everything in 3, everything but NFS stuff in 2,
> and starts xdm at run level 5 (as well as starting everything else).  Run
> level 4 on the other hand is left totally open for the user.
> As far as I can tell, Debian seems to put everything that you install in
> 2, 3, 4, and 5, without differentiating between them.  It seems like it
> would be nice to have distinct meanings for run levels, including one you
> get to make yourself, that Debian will never touch, so you don't have to
> worry about it being changed when you install new programs.
> --Sam

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