
As a somewhat unix/Linux newbie I have a few questions for this list:

they are in no spesific order:

1: I have a text file that in of itself is a list of files. I would like
to take that list and grep though them to find a string. I think this can
be done with a shell script (Bash) but I have know idea how. Can anyone
give me some pointers and or post a script ? ... TIA

2: The purpose of the above question is to find a file that has a string
(IE search all the files on the hard drive for the string "foo" and list
the files that have foo in it) Now that I know what file has "foo" in it
I need to log all the programs that write to this file ?
eg. program foobar and program foobarx both write to text file
/usr/lib/cows I need to know what program is writing to that file and

is there a way to acopmlish these things without jumping into a c program


-Have a good one
-Kevin Poorman

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