On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Stephen Davey wrote:

> There is an entry in the /etc/mgetty/login.config for /AutoPPP/ but it just 
> seems to be ignoring it

AFAIK there must be an Define in the Makefile, but
I am not familiar with mgetty as a Debian package

>From the Makefile:

# If you want to auto-detect incoming PPP calls (with PAP authorization),
# add -DAUTO_PPP. Not needed if PPP callers want to get a real "login:"
# prompt first. Don't forget to activate the /AutoPPP/ line in login.config!

Have a close look on the docs of the Debian package,
or perhaps fetch the source an make your own mgetty... ;-)

Hope it helps


      Ph. Grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Technische FH Wildau
                     Wildau, Brandenburg, Germany

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