Running pon/poff as root is quite straightforward, otherwise...

     On my Linux box with Debian 1.2.4 I created a pppusers group, I let
user nbern (born as member of group users) be a member of it (and also a
member of dialout, which is the group of /dev/ttyS1), and I set the
following files as belonging to the pppusers group: 

     /etc/ppp.chatscript     with r-- permission for the group
         (no pap and no chap is currently used, the whole login sequence
         is done by chat... my previous ISP had pap but that is not
         crypted either [and this provider is much more efficient for the
         rest than our national monopolyst]) 
     /usr/sbin/pppd          with r-x permission for the group

     /etc/connect-errors     with rw- permission for the group
     /var/log/ppp.log        <- It seems to make no difference

     I could go up to this point, where I was stuck:

Apr 22 11:04:41 nick pppd[2036]: pppd 2.2.0 started by nbern, uid 1000
Apr 22 11:05:01 nick pppd[2036]: Serial connection established.
Apr 22 11:05:02 nick pppd[2036]: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not permitted
Apr 22 11:05:02 nick pppd[2036]: ioctl(PPPIOCGDEBUG): Operation not permitted
Apr 22 11:05:02 nick pppd[2036]: Exit.

     I could run pon as nbern only after typing this as root:
     -------------> chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd <---------------

     Notice, no difference with g+s or g-s (g+s alone does not work). 
     But I _have_ to give pppd to the pppusers group, otherwise I get this
complain again:
     /usr/bin/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied

     Here I am.

     I'll be away since tomorrow Thursday 24th and won't be able to read
incoming messages until Monday 28th, so please don't think I'm not polite
if I don't answer immediately. 
     Anyway, thank you in advance.

     Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Please use <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for messages from any kind of
robot, such as mailing lists. From that address no autoresponse
messages will return even when I'm not at home.

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