
I am kind of new to this mailing list, so please excuse me if this subject
is running around for some time.

I have a strange wtmp problem, and something suggests that is has something
to do with different versions of important system files.  I don't consider
myself as a linux guru (yet) so please help me with information you posses.

Here is the copy of last log:

onyx:~> last -10
***~**2              !****g`3         Fri Apr 25 10:13   still logged in
ppp      ttyD1                         Fri Apr 25 10:12   still logged in
***~**2              !***cf`3         Fri Apr 25 10:07 - 10:13  (00:06)
ppp      ttyD3                         Fri Apr 25 09:47   still logged in
***~**2              !****^`3         Fri Apr 25 09:36 - 10:07  (00:31)
mosh     ftp          mosh.bbm.hr      Fri Apr 25 09:20 - 09:20  (00:00)
ppp      ttyD2                         Fri Apr 25 09:00   still logged in
mosh     ttyp0        mosh.bbm.hr      Fri Apr 25 08:51   still logged in
ppp      ttyD4                         Fri Apr 25 08:44   still logged in
ppp      ttyD0                         Fri Apr 25 08:40   still logged in

wtmp begins Tue Apr 22 15:41:03 1997

As you may see, there are some illegal entries.

Please answer me by e-mail or point me to the information that I might
found usefull.

==  Daniel MOSMONDOR - Mosh  ==  BBM d.o.o. Zagreb             ==
==  R&D manager              ==  software, hardware, internet  ==
==  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              ==  URL: http://www.bbm.hr/       ==

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