Hi everybody,

I have downloaded Debian Linux 1.2.9 from ftp.uni-mainz.de, but failed
to get it installed on my machine.


First, the dselect-setup asks me for a /local/binary-i386-path and
package-list. But there isn´t such a subdirectory (or a symbolic link to
another dir), or more exactly, there isn´t such a subdir containing a
packages-list (plain-text or .gz).

I can go on when I simply ignore this message (by typing "none"), but
the program fails to install the selected packages stating some error
message about a not-found dir or file.

It is likely that something went wrong during download, or that I have
overseen the mentioned /local-packages, but I don´t know exactly.

Any help appreciated!



Marc Saric

Visit http://www.rat.de/marc_saric/index.htm

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