On Sat, 26 Apr 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Where can I get A FILTER to stop SPAM
> Jorge

Hoye ..
If the spam can be detected by looking at the mail header (ie the From: 
field, the Subject: , etc.), it is possible with procmail.

procmail will analyse your mail following rules you give it and then, at 
your choice, delete the mail, forward it to someone else, store it in an 
alternate directory (useful for mailing lists), or leave it in INBOX, or 
do what you want ...

I believe procmail is a standart option in a debian installation. 
Anyway,  it is a package in section mail.
try 'man procmail'
There are instruction for a Quick Start. They were sufficient for me, so 
you should manage it too.

Good luck !

PS : if you only want to calm your nerves, you can also do that :

bash:~$ for name in `ls` ; do echo 'I don t like spam' | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED];

I did that last time. It's probably stupid but it helps.
( beware, I have 160 files in ~ and a slow link so it took an hour to 
send all this junk, and it surely wasted precious bandwitch. )

BTW, what are le legal issues of this ?
I believe mail spam will be forbidden in Europe like fax and phone are 

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