In your email to me, smorrill, you wrote:
> sorry, this is a second request...
> Is there any way I can send what's actually showing on the on the screen
> to the printer?  I'm trying to get XFree86 running and getting a lot of
> error messages.  I'd like to be able to print these out so I can try to
> address the problems without having to write everything down...  As is
> obvious, I'm really new at this Linux stuff, so I'm still very much in
> the thrashing around stages.

Try using 'script', or, if you just have a virtual console with stuff
on it you want to print, you can say 'cat /dev/vcs1|lpr' if you were
on tty1, use vcs2 for tty2, etc


   "Any jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build it."
      -- Sam Rayburn
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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