In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>I'm not sure there was actually an error in the above lynx install
>session (appart from the possibly wrong error message)
...  If the
>                lock  is  held by someone else, this call returns
>                -1 and sets errno to EACCES or EAGAIN.
>So, probably I should also test for EACCES. (why doesn't dpkg does this?)

Perhaps dpkg mmaps the file, so it always gets EAGAIN.

Anyway,  I had this error while dpkg was installing hdimage for dosemu. 
Everything got installed fine, so the error message is in error. :)
You probably should log messages via syslog so that they don't mess
with output from foreground jobs.  AFA I can see open() should block
until dpkg run is complete -- the only test I can think of is to poll 
with non-blocking open() and see if it makes any difference.


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