Syd -- Looks like you can use the "cp" command with the "--archive" option (see "cp" man page).
What you need to do is, after you place a linux filesystem on the partition with "mke2fs", mount that partition under the generic mount-point directory "/mnt": mount /dev/hd?? /mnt Then, copy everything from /usr/lib onto the partition: cp --archive /usr/lib /mnt Once you're sure everything has been copied and is intact, erase everything under /usr/lib: rm -r /usr/lib/* Then umount the partition, and remount it under /usr/lib umount /mnt mount /dev/hd?? /usr/lib Be sure to place the necessary data in your /etc/fstab file so that the partition gets mounted at boot time from now on (/etc/fstab format is self-explanatory). Drop me a line if you have problems, or this procedure doesn't work out (be sure to back up your files before doing this!). Hope it works! :-) -- Harmon -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .