On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Karl Ferguson wrote:
> > At 09:50 AM 29/04/97 -0700, Ryan Shaw wrote:
> > >i've looked through the archives and haven't found an answer as of yet. 
> > >i'd like the screen cleared on logout and the login prompt to appear at
> > >the top.  i've worked around this by using an alias in bashrc, but i'm
> > >sure there is a better way.
> > >
> > >any ideas?
> > 
> > Best way (the way I do it) is to do this:
> > 
> > clear > /etc/motd
> > 
> > However, make sure you make a backup copy of your original MOTD so you can
> > then edit the file and after all the ascii characters put it back.
> > 
> Well, actually adding clear to motd will cause the screen to clear after
> the login has been entered. If you want a clean screen after every logout
> this should go into /etc/issue. The way I did this was:
>       cd to /tmp (or some other reasonable place)
>       clear >temp1
>       cp /etc/issue ./temp2
>       cat temp1 temp2 >issue
>       cp issue /etc/issue
> After which a logout clears the screen.

I  first wanted to do this when I began using linux years ago and thought
the solution was quite simple - edit /etc/issue and add 40 or so blank
lines before what ever you want displayed with the login. That might be
too simple though:) Cheers, Colin.

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