Some messages get rejected by Smartlist (our list handler) because they
appear to be coming from a daemon (root in this case).  Here's a message
from Ralph Winslow.  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 3 May 1997 17:34:55 -0000
From: Ralph Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Users <>
Subject: kernel build

Since upgrading many packages in the frozen distribution, I'm unable to
re-build a new kernel (I need to add modules support for the OSS sound
package).  When I cd to /usr/src/linux (kernel-source-2.0.27) and try
make mrproper (or make menuconfig or make config or make all), I get
make: *** No rule to make target 'mrproper'. Stop.

I tried un - re -installing make as well as the kernel-source package
for 2.0.27 but no joy.  Could this relate to having inadvertantly
started an install of 2.0.29 at some point in the past?  Some traces 
of 2.0.29 remain, BTW. 

Any help on this would be deeply appreciated.
Ralph Winslow                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Someday soon I really  MUST find a way to
piss away a LOT of bandwidth on this .sig

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