
I use Umlauts and other special characters quite frequently.

Those characters which are not directly available on my german keyboard
can be produced under X11 by typing AltGr (right Alt key) and a letter,
like AltGr-q for `@', AltGr-a for `æ' of AltGr-m for `µ' (I assume you can
read these MIME-encoded characters). 

However, when I fail to hit the correct key and hit a non-AltGr-able
letter key, e.g. AltGr-w instead of AltGr-q, these special chars are no
longer available in the current window, e.g. xterm, emacs etc.

This includes Umlauts (äöü), which are directly available on my keyboard. 

Thus I would have to kill emacs every time this happens and restart it in
order to be able produce Umlauts again. 

Is there a way to prevent this?



Heiko Selber (Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin)   | I condem'n the abuse of    |
http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/~selber         | apostrophe's.              |
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |                            |
Phone:+49-30-8413-4574, Fax:+49-30-8413-4686 |____________________________|

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