On  3 May 97 at 15:17, debian-user@lists.debian.org wrote:

> Hello, I have a few q's about booting:
> 1)I have NT4.0 on my pc (sorry to say, but I need it...), and
> I would like to be able to boot both of my OS'es from a single
> bootmanager. I haven't found any docs or faqs about whether or not
> LILO or bootmanager/NT support eachother, only OS/2. Is there anyone
> who could tell my how to boot from /dev/hda to my NT partition
> /dev/hda3 as well as my Linux drive, /dev/hdb ?? (My swap is on
> /dev/hdb5)

Check out http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/gvollant/bootpart.htm.  
He has written program that will create a boot sector file for your 
Linux parition.  I use NT 4.0 and Debian 1.2, abnd I boot from the NT 
Loader ... It works like a charm ... He has directions for Linux, as 
well as, DOS ...

Thanx.  See ya round.

John Burwell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Transylvania University, Computer Science Division

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was 
convincing the world that he didn't exist.
                 - Verbal Kent (The Usual Suspects)

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