This is likely not the right address to be sending this to, but I'm not
sure where else to send this to.

My problem is pretty simple.. I need removed from the mailing list
immediately. I tried to do this automatically from the website, but I
received an error. I *MUST* cancel the mailing list from here because it's
crashing my mail server due to the enormous amount of mail. I can pick this
mailing list up on another server, however.

So, for now, I'd really appreciate if I can be removed from the list, if

If this wasn't the correct address, could whoever gets this possibly send
me back the address I should be mailing this to?

Thanks a whole lot. I appreciate it.
I am so very sorry for any inconvience this causes.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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