What do you think is causing this:

May  5 07:23:26 panther kernel: hda: WDC AC21200H, 1222MB w/128kB Cache,
LBA, CHS=2484/16/63, DMA

Keep in mind that I'm not using LBA mode. Maybe I'm mistaken, but doesn't
that field that says LBA mean the drive is in LBA mode?  

Ofcourse, you can tell it's not since the cylinders are more that 1023.
Not to mention I just went through switching from LBA to normal mode not
to long ago because of file coruption I suspected was caused by the LBA
mode.  Which now may be something else all together.

I've only had this drive about a year.  I can't imagine it going tit's-up
this fast.


On Thu, 8 May 1997, Dima wrote:

> You wrote:
> >
> >Would that include the SB16 software configureable card?  What used to be
> >called PNP by some.
> Mine is a ESS, and Intel's pnptool won't configure it either, if that's
> what you mean.  I run its config utility from dos and then use loadlin
> to boot linux.  
> In my case the problem went away after I commented out the card's init
> program in config.sys.  I knew I didn't have an irq/port conflict, even though
> the message was about irq timeout,  so the only option left was  changing the 
> dma.  It worked. :-) (check /proc/ioports, /proc/interrupts, /proc/pci etc.  
> for
> ports, irqs etc used by your hardware -- disable SB first.)
> -- 
> Dimitri
> --
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