On Wed, May 07, 1997 at 08:49:14AM -0400, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> IP address) and UDP broadcast packets are *not* routed which 
> means if is trying to find by name, it won't find
> it. The solution to this is to set up a WINS server--sorta like 
> a DNS server. You can do this in Linux, you just need SAMBA (which
> it seems like you already have. The program is nmbd and you need
> to create a file which maps host names to IP addresses (and which
> looks like an /etc/hosts file) and 'nmbd -H your-lm-hosts-file'
> will then run the server. Then on your Win95 client go into TCP/IP
> settings and set as a WINS server. If you've got '-proxyarp'
> being passed to pppd on your Linux box, you should be there.

Hmmm. Interesting explanation, thanks. Does this explain one odd
thing I see? I have a machine at home running Samba, as well as my
own workstation (Win95/Linux). I have another machine running Samba,
located at my ISP. I can access the machine at the ISP fine from Windows;
I never had to set up an LMHOSTS for Win95 or anything. (All machines
are in the same domain).

But a friend has his own PC (Win95/NT), and wants to talk to this machine
at the ISP too, and it doesn't work, even with LMHOSTS it seems.

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt (PGP key here) CPOM: [****      ] 42%

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