Rick Jones wrote:
> On Fri, 9 May 1997, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> > A little digging around shows that setting the proper resources for
> > rxvt should fix this. Here's an excerpt from the man page Resources
> > section:
> >
> >        keysym.sym: string
> >               Associate string with keysym sym (0xFF00 - 0xFFFF).
> >               It may contain escape values  (\b:  backspace,  \e,
> >               \E: escape, \n: newline, \r: return, \t: tab, \000:
> >               octal number) and may enclosed with  double  quotes
> >               so  that  it can start or end with whitespace.  The
> >               intervening resource name keysym.  cannot be  omit­
> >               ted.  This resource is only available when compiled
> >               with FAKE_RESOURCES.
> >
> > So, putting the following line in ~/.Xresources should do it
> > (assuming /etc/X11/config has the line 'allow-user-resources'):
> >
> > Rxvt.keysym.Delete: \b
> Should this be Rxvt.keysym.Backspace: \b ?

No, you want Delete to "do" backspace. When you hit the delete key
the x client (in this case rxvt) receives the Keysym, which is
> >
> > I did this and what do you know, it didn't work. I will say that
> > after using xterm exclusively for so long, I was please to see that
> > *colors* worked Out Of The Box with rxvt (cool!). I can only assume
> > from this exercise that the maintainer of rxvt didn't compile the
> > package with FAKE_RESOURCES. However, /usr/doc/rxvt/changelog.debian.gz
> > shows:
> >
> > rxvt (2.18-5) unstable; urgency=low
> >
> >
> >  -- Brian Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed, 23 Oct 1996 09:50:19 -0400
> >
> > So he *did* make this change. How come it doesn't seem to work then?!
> > Being the curious type I had to see it to believe it, so I downloaded
> > the source and YUP, he did make this change (sorry for doubting you
> > Brian). So I went into the source that actually *reads* these resources
> > and here's what I find (*much* to my chagrin). The "fake" xresources
> > reading which rxvt does can't understand symbolic keysyms (so what's
> > the "sym" for, huh?). It can only understand the hex-numeric value
> > of the keysym. The solution is to put the following line in your
> > ..Xresources:
> >
> > Rxvt.keysym.0xFFFF: \b
> >
> > That's it. For the likewise curious, I found the Delete keysym's value
> > in the source itself for rxvt (xdefaults.c):
> >
> >         /*
> >          * look for something like this (XK_Delete)
> >          * rxvt*keysym.0xFFFF: "\177"
> >          */
> >         n = strlen ("keysym");
> >         if ((str [n] == '.') && !strncmp (str, "keysym", n))
> >           {
> >
> > You can find all the numeric values of keysyms (if you have the X11
> > source--and this is why I object to rxvt only taking the numeric
> > values) in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h. I hope I've redeemed
> > myself for my earlier misinformation. mea culpa.
> My backspace does what it should but delete just beeps at me.

You put my above resource string ("Rxvt.keysym.0xFFF: \b") into your
~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults file? Are you sure you have version
2.18-5? The important change to the source which enabled this was
made in debian rev 5.
> What does mea culpa mean?

Latin: my fault
Jens B. Jorgensen

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