A. M. Varon wrote:
> On Fri, 9 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:
> > I think I know the answer to this already, BUT is it possible to run a
> > secondary DNS through an IP masq firewall?
> >
> > Just wondering since I'm about to network my home systems via an IP masq
> > firewall and would rather use one of my other systems as secondary.
> andre: I think not. except if there is a special bind to support ip masq.
> > I haven't researched IP masq firewalling yet.  Is this the BEST way to put
> > a machine on the net without it's own IP?
> Personally, i prefer ip masq over socks because some old client software
> does'nt support socks and you don't have to configure anything on the
> client internet software. In my setup, netscape for win95(client) can even
> use web proxies for faster access.
> I suggest you get the kernel 2.0.30 because the patches to make ip masq
> work in linux has been incorporated in the kernel as modules.

Any client software in Win95 can be used--you just need the WinSock
DLL shim by Hummingbird. I prefer socks because it's at a lower
level than http proxies (and thus can be used for anything else).
How about accessing an Oracle database from a PB app? Can your http
proxy do that? 8)

Jens B. Jorgensen

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