I'm still trying to install MySQL on Debian 1.2.  I've got it all built,
including the Linuxthreads part.  This is the source code version. But when
mysqld fires up, I get a message:

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysqld/host.frm' (Errocode: 2)

after some scrounging around, I did find this file under
data/mysql/host.frm, off the initial source code directory.

I can't find details about the .frm files, except in the source code
itself, so it's not clear just where they are to go.

What I'm hoping for is someone on this list can tell me how to change the
configuration/setup such that this will install correctly in Linux.  The
section on Linux specific install instructions has yet to be written :-/
Dirk Herr-Hoyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DANEnet, Connecting Dane County's Communities

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