On Mon, 12 May 1997, Mark W. Blunier wrote:

> Incidentally, I found another message today:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To make printing work from acroread, I had to add the following line
> > /Default currenthalftone /Halftone defineresource pop
> > at the end of the file /usr/share/ghostscript/4.03/gs_init.ps.
> Great little patch, but I found that printing directly from .pdf files,
> e.g.
>   gs -sDEVICE=ljet2p -dFirstPage=2 -dLastPage=10 \
>       -sOutputFile=<ofile> <pdf-file>
> was broke.  Therefore I made made the above conditionally:
> /Default /Halftone resourcestatus { pop pop }
>  { /Default currenthalftone /Halftone defineresource pop } ifelse
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> This seems to suggest that the problem is a bug in Acroread, and not
> gs, but the gs_init.ps file is a work around.

Could you correct me if I am wrong in this line of reasoning: Acroread
coverts pdf files to ps files but does so in an incorrect manner and
therefore (because acroread source is unavailable) gs is altered to make
up for the bug in acroread and then all goes as planned. I think I am
correct about this but it leaves the question: Can't you use gv to print
pdf files and therefore (1) avoid altering gs for acroread's shortcomings,
and (2) use all free software? Cheers, Colin.

- --
          Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
                School of Policy Studies, Queen's University
                     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
              (613)545-6000x4219   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     PGP Fingerprint = 09 E9 DA 66 9C EE 33 DC  B8 3B 97 0E 01 BC EC 0B
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