This is generally construed as a feature.  It is telling you that a) you
installed SSLtelnet and that b) it has successfully connected to a
system that also has SSLtelnet.  What just happened is that public keys
were exchanged and everything from that point on is encrypted.  Guess
what?  No more password sniffing attacks!

You wouldn't want to turn off those messages, because they assure the
user that encryption ins being used.  As far as how to get the actual
/etc/issue file to be displayed, I wish I knew.  I haven't read through
the docs thoroughly yet.

Of course, since you're telnetting to yourself it's not too useful yet,
but if more people ran SSLtelnet (or ssh) we'd be that much closer
towards closing another security hole.

BTW, SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer.  It's quite cool, imho.

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key and other stuff
Key fingerprint = CE 03 10 AF 32 81 18 58  9D 32 C2 AB 93 6D C4 72

On Tue, 13 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:

:When I telnet to localhost from localhost I get the following:
:Trying to negotiate SSL
:[SSL starting]
:[SSL Connected - Cipher RC4-MD5]
:Is ther a file similar to /etc/ that I can edit to clean this up?
:What is this for?  Is this some kind of error?
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