On Fri, 9 May 1997, Gernot wrote:
> > On Sat, 10 May 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > > Gernot wrote:
> > > > When I start dselect (using the ftp-method) I get a list of available
> > > > "Updated Standard packages". This list tells me that there are new
> > > > versions of my installed components available, they are marked with the
> > > > asterix (*) but they are not installed when I try to install them
> > > > (selection 3 in dselect). Is this the way the whole thing should work or
> > > > am I missing something?

I have the same problem. I saw that all the packages which won't be
installed have their path in /unstable/... . The packages which are
installed have their path all set to /stable/. I have probably updated my
package list with unstable entries which I cannot get rid of now (yes, I
used the "clear available package list now" option). Because I set the
access method to "stable non-free contrib" the selected unstable packages
do not get installed, even if there are stable versions somewhere with
older version numbers. I would like to get rid of the old package entries,
but I am afraid using rm -f for this... Any Ideas?

Lukas Eppler (godot)
                                                  talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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