I would just like to say that it is not mythology.  First PC's have long
borrowed there technologies from the more mature systems that had been
around ( the main/mini/ and super computer enviorns) those systems
usualy ran some kind of unice, when it becomes cheap enough to mass
produce the high end hardware, we all recieve it, such that we all moved
to 32 bit technology with the 386, way back when, but the
super/main/mini computers had been 32 bits all along.  To make my point
more clear solaris is plug and play, and it works.  someday we will
enjoy this on the intel platform or whatever is the mass production
computer at that time, maybe PPC? maybe not, but I think we should just
be glad we can run Linux on our cheap and crappy pc's, because we can't
afford the cool stuff.
( i.e. real-plug and play, fault tollerent, gas and battery backup,
raid, clusters.)
but we most likely don not need that kind of computing power for our
unices, that we use as desktop os replacements.  I for one count myself
lucky that I can run the os of my choice on widely available cheap

yes, I do hate MS.


Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Tue, 13 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > Debian is not "point and click" or "plug and play" but then again,
> > neither are the operating systems that claim to be, really.
> and that's the truth.
> I think that's one of the things that annoy me the most about the
> plug and
> play mythology - that it IS merely mythology.

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