Thanks, Rick - 

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Rick> has nothing to do with compiling.  I suspect the problem
    Rick> here is either the "-L /usr/lib" type entries in the Makefile
    Rick> are wrong for library search path for the compilers "ld"
    Rick> linker (not or the software you are trying to compile
    Rick> has been developed with libc6 in mind or you have the new
    Rick> compiler which may have default changes to libc6 linking
    Rick> instead of libc5.

As I was just saying in reply to Craig's message, I didn't figure out
well enough just what was going wrong.  My compile attempts were
kernels--I thought it was when, running 'make menuconfig,' the
lxdialog binary it built died instantly with 'No such file or
directory'.  But I don't know exactly why that was.  And when I tested
it by just running 'make config,' that crapped out, too--but I appear
not to have saved the error message, ugh.  Usually I really want to know
what happened, but after the dselect downgrade killed my, I got
more 'Dammit, let's get this show on the road.' :-)

    Rick> Since libc6 is going to be the standard very shortly, it's
    Rick> very possible that you are compilling libc6 dependant code.
    Rick> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't hamm supposed to be mostly,
    Rick> if not all, libc6 software?

    >> it's safe to have the shared libraries for libc6 and libc5
    >> installed at the same time, just as it was safe to have both
    >> libc4 and libc5 installed. It only gets complicated when you want
    >> to do development for both libc5 and libc6 on the same machine.

    Rick> I believe that installing hamm (unstable) would insure that
    Rick> the 2 development environments are seperate but equally
    Rick> accessable, since it is the intermediate release between libc5
    Rick> and libc6 standards.

And the 'altdev' packages are the means of maintaining this, then?  (I

    rick> I also suspect that libc5 and libc6, like a.out and ELF, will
    Rick> be co-existing on systems for some time before libc5 is
    Rick> finally completely phased out.

    Rick> Bottom line:

    Rick> Check your Makfiles and gcc/ld man pages for references to
    Rick> libc6 changes.

I guess I may have had an unusual problem with the current releases; I'm
not sure.  Usually my systems are so standard Debian that I feel like
Everyman (or, person), deb-style.  :)  I will plan to go with both
libraries, then--but for now, a little gun-shy, I'll hold off on the
libc6-dev packages.  :)  I guess libc6 is stabler than I thought--at
first I thought glibc 2.0 released meant readiness, but then I saw a lot
of warnings that it was still being worked into production on each

I'll keep an eye on the '-L' paths, etc.  I hadn't thought that through,
thanks.  Appreciate the time & thought,


Ed Donovan                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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