> Hi,
> I have a quick question about libc6. I see from the email describing the
> new packages available that many are now built with libc6. Does this mean
> that I need to have libc6 installed to run these packages.

Well, uhm, let's say yes.

> I don't want to
> install  libc6 yet because of possible glitches. Thanks

As far as I know, there are *no* glitches, at least not with
the old libc5 programmes still on your system. The only thing
that *might* go wrong, in case there are bugs in libc6, are
the new libc6 programmes.

And, as long as you don't install libc6-dev, and the latest libc6 gcc,
you will still compile your programmes as libc5.

So, the answer: go ehead, install libc6.

One drawback: for libc6, you'll need ldso-1.9 (unstable) That
one has no errors, (well, none that I know of), except that if
you ever decide to downgrade ldso, it'll itself from the system,
and your system will be unusable. But as long as you don't do
that, I don't think you'll find problemes.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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