> Hello All:
> I have been running into a vexing problem with a cluster of 8 Debian
> machines I am using for a Course in Computational Physics.
> All of the machines are running Debian 1.2 as installed in December 1996.
> I have not wanted to do much upgrading during the course of the semester.
> so students can log into any one of the machines and find their data
> files. 
> The problem is that if the systems are left to run for an extended period
> of time (over a week usually but as little as a few days even!) the /home
> directory becomes inaccessible at login even though the df command shows
> it to be mounted.  This causes a great deal of problems and means that I
> have to reboot the machines regularly.  It also means that if I am not
> around people start to complain.  As a side note, the server is usually
> quite stable and stays up for many weeks at a time. Just the other
> machines need to be rebooted because of this problem. The kernel version
> is 2.0.27.

So, I assume the clients mount their /home from a (the?) server via NFS?
If so, I used to have a lot of problems with the old nfsd, that used
to die on my every so often (escpecially if two clients mount and read
from the nfs disks at the same time). This was solved by upgrading to
a more recent nfsd. But alas, you don't indicate that any nfsd dies,
so you may be running into another problem. Still, upgrading the
server's nfsd (from the netstd package) may improve matters.

Currently installed on my system (without problems):

$ /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd -v
Universal NFS Server 2.2beta25

$ dpkg -l netstd
ii  netstd          2.13-1         Networking binaries and daemons for Linux

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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