I'm using qpopper_2.2-4.deb and I have 2 strange problems:

1. When someone connects to it's port with MSIE 3.0 I have such line in my

-ERR Unknown command: "auth" .
I've searched RFC's about POP3 and really there is no such command but why
MSIE tries to do it? Maybe something's wrong in my (or my clients)
configuration? Anaway I don't want to have my log files biger then they
should be.

2. Sometimes qpopper dosn't remove user.lock file and such user has no
access to mail. I've noticed it in few days and it looks like 3-4 users
in a day have such problems. What's going on?

Any help will be greatly welcomed!

Leszek Gerwatowski

Leszek Gerwatowski

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