Horrible subject, but what I would like to do is to install a set of files
on one debian machine via dselect and find an easy way to install the
exact same set on another machine. I know there has been a discussion
about this in terms of using backup/restore commands, but I only want to
do this very infrequently and was wondering if some twist on the following
might work:

Could you take some file (status?) from /var/lib/dpkg and edit it by hand
and use a search and replace on the status line to change it from

Status: install ok installed

to something like

Status: install ok not-installed

and then put that file in /var/lib/dpkg/ on the other machine? 

Cheers, Colin.

          Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
                School of Policy Studies, Queen's University
                     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
              (613)545-6000x4219   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     PGP Fingerprint = 09 E9 DA 66 9C EE 33 DC  B8 3B 97 0E 01 BC EC 0B
           PGP Public Key at <URL:http://terrapin.econ.queensu.ca>

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