On Fri, 23 May 1997, Kendall P. Bullen wrote:

:Hiya All,
:I'm new to Debian -- just installed -- and am trying to get things set
:up as I had them on my Slackware machine (approximately ;).  Using
:dselect, I installed the wu-ftpd package (that's what came with
:Slackware, and I got the impression it was 'better' than the default
:Debian ftpd), and I've run into some problems/questions. . . .
:1. The package didn't appear to do any setup -- no /home/ftp/ tree was
:ever installed.  I created directories and am going to set permissions
:based on how it was in Slackware, but I wonder about the group and
:passwd files (how do I make them, since they're not exact copies of
:the ones in /etc).

The wu-ftpd man page has some excellent advice on these questions.

:2. Slackware's setup holds a /home/ftp/bin/ls which is about 4 times
:the size of its [Slackware's] /bin/ls.  (I can't compare the Debian
:one right now, sorry.)  The Debian package doesn't appear to have
:shipped with anything analogous (unless it's hidden somewhere I
:haven't looked, which is very possible).  Can I just copy the one from
:Slackware?  The kernel versions are quite different (Slackare =
:1.2.13, Debian = 2.0.something) -- is it okay to use the old ls?  Why
:is it so big -- statically linked, versus dynamically linked,
:libraries?  And Does that make it okay to use Slackware's wu-ftpd's
:ls, despite the difference in kernel versions?

Yes, the Slackware version is statically linked.  If you look, the
debian version puts copies of the required lib*.so files in the
directory "lib".

:3. Finally, what's considered a 'bug' in a package?  I think the
:Debian wu-ftpd package should prompt for where to put the ftp
:hierarchy of directories, and then put in the appropriate passwd,
:group, and ls files (as needed).  Defaulting to /home, or wherever is
:'correct' according to the Linux filesystem spec., would be nice.  Do
:I just e-mail the package maintainer, or is there some Debian
:bug-reporting method I should be using?

I'm trying to recall how wu-ftpd installed on my system ... I believe I
was prompted about the anonymous account by the standard ftp package (in
netstd).  Regardless, you should edit the passwd and group files by
hand, as you can avoid giving away more info then you want to that way.

I'm at a loss to explain why your install didn't go so well ... did you
install over Slackware?

I hate to say "RTFM", but wu-ftpd comes with excellent documentation ...
I've never had any problems with it to date.

Hope some of this helps.

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