>>>Brian White wrote:
  >>   >I read my mail with pine.  Occasionally I get mail from this list and
  >>   >from others that has HTML markup embedded within it.  What causes this?
  >> Netscape, for one.  It sends mail/news as html by default (and of course i
  >> won't tell you that.)
  >Actually, it's communicator 4.0 (beta) that does that.  The older versions
  >of netscape don't.  You can also turn this "feature" off from the preference
... after someone's flamed you for sending html.  After that you may notice 
formatting toolbar's gone.  

I wonder if it's an oversight on Netscrape's part -- obviously, the right 
thing to
do was to make text mode the default -- or a [pitiful] attempt at MS marketing
strategies.  :-)


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